[Avodah] Kamtza BaKamtza - Has anyone seen Meforshim who comment on this perspective?

Rabbi Meir G. Rabi meirabi at gmail.com
Sat Jul 15 03:51:08 PDT 2023

R Micha posted re The Rabbis placating Agrippa - You ARE our brother, Sota
that the medrash identifies R Zekhariah ben Avqulus who the gemara (Gittin
55b) identifies as the one responsible for preventing the blemished animal
to be offered on the Mizbeiach.

and also identifies him or more accurately his quality of misplaced modesty
- Anvanuso shel R Zekhariah be Avqulus as being the foundation for the
    hecherivah es beiteinu
    vesaraf es Heikhaleinu
    vehiglisanu meiArtzeinu.

Now although R Micha points out that bBlame is CLEARLY laid at the
leadership's feet,
I am asking that it seems not to be pointed to their cruelty and
indifference at the party
but to their internal deliberations about Halacha
and pardon me for saying this,
but this seems to be misplaced and a diversion from the essence of the real

R Micha suggests that those who refuse their duty as leaders
will follow black letter law, be machmir improperly
and not have the fortitude to rely on his own seikhel.

again perhaps this is true
but it still fails to be attentive to their insensitivity, their
and quite likely their jaundiced perspective of their duties and
relationship with HKBH and with the people
they seem to have fallen into the trap of believing that not crossing the
rich a powerful was the best way to lead the community
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