[Avodah] a few questions

Joel Rich joelirarich at gmail.com
Tue Jul 11 16:55:08 PDT 2023

A couple of questions came up over Shabbat , which I was wondering if you
have any insight into
The machloket between Rashi and Tosafot, as to whether kal vachomer is the
only one of the 13 midot that one can learn on their own without a
tradition or is  gzeira shaava the only one  needing a tradition seems very
late in the game (meaning one would’ve expected to see this disagreement
articulated earlier on)

Somewhat similar on Dina dmalchuta, why did it wait until Shmuel to be

Lastly, on the Gemara in Magilla which discusses saying kriat shma lmafrea
the conclusion dvarim hadvarim lo mashma- how would you explain the
disagreement to a 13-year-old as to why one party would say that is worthy
of a drasha and the other party says no?

She-nir’eh et nehamat Yerushalayim u-binyanah bi-mherah ve-yamenu

Joel Rich
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