[Avodah] sfira bracha
Michael Poppers
michaelpoppers at mail.gmail.com
Tue May 23 15:57:55 PDT 2023
Re R'Micha's response to RJR in Avodah V41n38
> The qehillah, no.
Frankly, in most situations I would think it rather difficult to tell
whether "the tzibbur" is saying BHuSH to the SHaTZ's "liqro/ligmor"
b'racha (unless, of course, we're discussing a tzibbur that normally says
BHuSH as loudly as "Amein!" even to non-chazaras-haSHaTZ b'rachos...).
Does any maqom have a minhag to or not to say BHuSH to such a b'racha (and
on the subject of minhag hamaqom specifically re Hallel, see Mishnayos
Sukkah 3:11 <https://www.sefaria.org/Mishnah_Sukkah.3.11?lang=bi> :))?
> it seems to me that saying it would be another way out of RYBS's problem
Not to avoid such a tzrichos vs. einam tzrichos conundrum, but simply
because I hear sheim H' and am allowed to respond (seemingly -- and my
Shul's Rav [bcc:ed] confirmed this for me and RAM this morning -- there
is not an issue of hefseiq between the end of chazaras haSHaTZ and Hallel
to the degree there is between the end of chazaras haSHaTZ and Tachanun),
I do respond BHuSH to the SHaTZ's "liqro/ligmor" b'racha; and bimchilas
k'vod RYBS z'l', the known practice of the assumed (by dint of RJR's
"given") tzibbur to say the b'racha themselves would strongly imply
they do not want to be yotzei b'vircas haSHaTZ any more than they want
to be yotzei when the Rav or SHaTZ initially says "al s'firas haOmer"
at the end of Ma'ariv (and yes, I say BHuSH then, too :)).
Chag Sameach! and
all the best from
Michael Poppers Elizabeth, NJ, USA
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