[Avodah] sfira bracha

Akiva Miller akivagmiller at gmail.com
Tue May 23 02:43:41 PDT 2023

R' Joel rich asked:

> Given that the kahal says the bracha for sfira/hallel after
> the shatz/rabbi, does your kahal answer Baruch hu Baruch shmo
> to the shatz/rabbi’s bracha?

I understand that you are asking specifically about these two brachos, but
I think that an important preface to that discussion would be to talk about
Baruch Hu Uvaruch Sh'mo in *general*, including examples such as Birchos
Hashachar and Chazaras Hashatz.

It seems to me that this phrase has been dropping out of favor over the
past half-century, to the point where I find myself hearing someone say it,
and my reaction is, "Oh, yeah, I remember when everyone would say that."

I don't know why I hear it so rarely nowadays. I have a vague memory of
learning how it should be avoided when one does want to be yotzay in the
bracha, and perhaps we have extended it (wittingly or not) to the general

Akiva Miller
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