[Avodah] What really happened just before leaving Egypt?
Brent Kaufman
cbkaufman at gmail.com
Wed Apr 19 20:44:08 PDT 2023
>>Maybe BY just weren't ready to get their hopes up. The process has been
>>going on for a year, did they know it would wrap up in hours rather
>>than days, months, or even a year or two? Would they have been ready to
>>believe it?
Ok, but I was really asking about the women. We're told that YM was in the
zechus of the Emunah of the Nashim. My question, questions that emunah,
since they started baking before leaving. Your question re-enforces that by
doubting everyone's emunah.
Another part of my question, that I forgot to even write down, is, how many
women did this synchronized baking? It would have had to have been enough
people doing this that the Torah says that the reason that we eat matzah on
Pesach is because "our forefathers" (words of the Hagadah compare with
Shemos 12:34,39) didn't have time to let their dough rise.
The pasuk goes on (to re-enforce R. Micha's and my questions) to say that
they didn't even prepare snacks for the road (tzeida l'derech).
I am very much against people coming up with "It was a neis." as answers
for questions which seem unsolvable, where the Torah or Chazal don't
mention any such neis. However, I saw recently that R. Moshe Dovid Valle
z"l did exactly this when asking how BY were so quick to want a golden
calf, and how Hashem could let a tzadik like Aharon sin so easily by giving
in right away to their request/demand. He said it was by HKBH's hashgacha
that it all happened, it was necessary because... ayin shom.
Is this the case regarding matzah? HKBH wanted us to have drashos galore
about "chipazone" and the yetzer hara being like chometz and having to
search for it....? Is that a valid answer in this case?
Chaimbaruch Kaufman
*“Bill, strange things are afoot at the Circle-K.”-Theodore/Ted Logan, Esq.*
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