[Avodah] Barukh Dayan ha Emes - R Seth Mandel z"l
Prof. L. Levine
llevine at stevens.edu
Wed May 24 13:04:06 PDT 2023
I would like to add that I also feel that Rabbi Dr. Seth Mandel's passing is a great loss.
I never met Rabbi Mandel personally, but I did speak to him at least once. However, more than that, he was willing to answer questions via email about kashrus that I had. Indeed, a good deal of my approach to kashrus is based on his responses to my questions. He always responded in a direct manner. However, many of his responses to me where with the caveat that I do not share them with others with his name attached.
He was sharply critical of most Hemisha hashgachos, save for a very few. He was also very critical of kashrus in EY and wrote to me that when there he only ate salads and from a couple of falafel stands. There was much more, and some of it I have posted in emails on Areivim and in other places.
I have found two presentations by Rabbi Mandel online. You can view them at
Seeing him making these clear and interesting presentations in a vibrant manner further heightens my sadness at his passing.
Professor Yitzchok Levine
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