[Avodah] More on Segulos

Prof. L. Levine llevine at stevens.edu
Thu May 4 12:09:41 PDT 2023

Please see the Hamodia article on this topic that appeared on June 12, 2008. You can download it at


Note that the Mezhbuzher Rav (page 34) said

"[Segulos] are nothing more than bubbe maasos, eitzas yetzer hara that give people a license to spend money way beyond their means and then ask for a yeshuah. All these formulae - saying Shir Hashirim forty times, Tehillim HaChida, etc. - are methods used by the yetzer hara to take from us the little [spirituality] we have left.

"Prayer on the other hand, is not a segulah; prayer is a way of communicating with the Ribbono shel Olam. When we use segulos to get what we want, it's as if we are stealing something from Him, something that is not rightfully ours."

Professor Yitzchok Levine

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