[Avodah] Notes on the machlokos of Shammai and Hillel

Zvi Lampel zvilampel at gmail.com
Mon Apr 10 08:17:05 PDT 2023

In each of the three halachic disputes between Shamai and Hillel themselves
(Ediyos 1:1-3)--as opposed to Beis Shamai  &Beis Hillel--(besides the
continuing dispute of the Zugos [Chagigah 16a]) Hillel is the machmir!

Shabbos 14b tells us there was also originally a fourth machlokes where
Hillel was meikel, but ultimately he conceded to Shamai's gezeyra!

Furthermore, in all three, the majority Chachamim disagreed with both!

And this brings to notice that just as the ''machlokes of Korach v-aidaso''
consisted of these two named against Moshe Rabeynu, the ''machlokes of
Shamai and Hillel'' consisted of the two named against the Chachamim.
Ediyos thereupon describes this as mentioning the words of Bris Shamai and
Bris Hillel as only le-batlan (in terms of the halacha), but to teach that
one should learn from these greats to concede to the majority (who
accurately retained the previously decided halacha--Tosefta as cited by

Apparently,  this should be taken into account in arriving at an
explanation of the adage (Avos 5:17) that only one of the two is considered
a machlokes l'sheim Shamayim that is asid le-hiskayeim.
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