[Avodah] Subject: Re: Why remove drops from Cup; Ought the cup be topped up?

Zvi Lampel zvilampel at gmail.com
Fri Mar 24 11:17:35 PDT 2023


> My own pet peeve is when a speaker says "Chazal", "the posqim hold",
> "the rishonim say", "it is written in the heiliger sefarim", "the
> baalei mussar say". Often it hides a machloqes, or...

 This style is in fact followed by the sefarim of acharonim and rishonim
themselves. Ramban on Chumash, for example, often states that Rabbanim say
xyz, where it's just one shittah among others that differ. And sometimes he
goes on to disagree, offering a variant explanation without noting that
it's the shittah of the bar plugta! . And yes, it bothers me.

Zvi Lampel
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