[Avodah] The Sacred Shekel

Prof. L. Levine llevine at stevens.edu
Fri Mar 17 07:11:22 PDT 2023

>From Avodah Vol 41, Issue 20

On 13/3/23 20:40, Cantor Wolberg via Avodah wrote:

>> Money that is to be given to tzedakah must be earned
>> in a kosher manner. Bankruptcy is not kosher.?
> It is perfectly legal.
> *??????? ????????????? ???????*

Zev Sero wote:

>I agree. This is precisely the sort of thing that Dina Demalchusa Dina
>*does* apply to; anyone who lends money does so in the knowledge and on
>the assumption that there is always the risk that the borrower will go

One has to keep in mind that the approach of RSRH and his successors was total and complete honesty, even beyond what the halacha require. Rav Hirsch received a large dowry when he married. However, he gave it all away to tzedakah, because his father-in-law was a banker, and he was concerned about rebus.

Rav Dr. Yosef Breuer wrote the essay Glatt Kosher, Glatt Yosher. See


Rav Schwab was known as The Ish Ha' emes, see


IMO, it is unfortunate that all Orthodox Jews do not have the same stringent standards as these rabbonim.

Professor Yitzchok Levine

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