[Avodah] An Escape Hatch

Arie Folger arie.folger at gmail.com
Mon Jan 23 15:16:38 PST 2023

RAM asked regarding makat barad:
> This struck me as unusual. What makes this makkah different, that
> such a warning -- more than just a warning, he gave advice! -- was
> given? If Hashem had chosen to do so, the hail could have come even
> indoors where the roof would be of no help. It almost seems like a
> humanitarian gesture, as if Hashem were signalling that He's not
> *totally* anti-Egypt; but if so, then why only for this one makkah?
> Does anyone talk about this aspect of this particular makkah?

Yes, the Maharal. Presciently formulating a variant of Kant's Categorical
Imperative, Maharal posits that Barad would have been recognized as a makah
even if all Egyptians followed the advice for the G"d fearing, hayare et
devar haShem.

For makat dever, however, which also only killed livestock outdoors, had
everyone followed any such advice, the makah would not have been apparent,
hence the Egyptians were not forewarned about that makah.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Yours sincerely,

Arie Folger
Visit my blog at http://rabbifolger.net/

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