Special Italian Haftarah for the Shabbat Kallah
Prof. L. Levine
llevine at stevens.edu
Thu Mar 23 07:38:04 PDT 2023
Many communities in Europe and beyond had the practice of reciting a
special haftarah from Isaiah 61 -- 62 in honor of a groom on the Shabbat
following the wedding.[2] Ashkenazi communities began the haftarah with
61:10 and read until 63:9,[3] which is also the 7th of the haftarot of
consolation, which is which was read in most communities on the Sabbath
before Rosh Hashanah, and in some others on the Shabbat between Yom
Kippur and Sukkot in the event that there was one in a given year.
The practice in Italy was, and is, not to read special haftarot for the
entire three-week period before Tisha B'Av or on the seven Shabbatot
between Tisha B'Av and Rosh Hashanah.[5] Rather, a special haftarah is
read on the Sabbath before Tisha B'Av and haftarot of consolation are
read on the three remaining Sabbaths of the month of Av. The normal
haftarah for Pinhas, a rarity in most communities, is read in Italy
every year. Matot, Masei, Shoftim, Ki Tetze, Ki Tavo, and Nitzavim all
have their own haftarot, which are found in the Cairo Geniza, Siddur R'
Shelomo B'Rabbi Nattan,[6] and in the list of haftarot in the Seder
Tefillot of the Rambam.
See the above URL for more.
Professor Yitzchok Levine
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