[Avodah] The Mourning Period of Sefirah – What Are the Guidelines of the Aveilus Observed During the Sefirah Weeks?

Prof. L. Levine llevine at stevens.edu
Mon Mar 13 08:38:29 PDT 2023

Please see the article at


by Rabbi Yermiyahu  Kaganoff. He outlines the various minhagim regarding Sefirah.

I have always been puzzled by the minhag that some people hold the first days of sefirah and count Chol Moed as part of their 33 days of mourning. I know that if someone dies during chol moed, that one waits until after Yom Tov to sit shiva, because there is not supposed to be aveilus during chol moed. thus, I wonder how one can count the days of chol moed as part of the shefirah period.

For the record, the Mishna Bruer writes that the minhag in Vilna was to observe the aveilus period starting from the first day of Rosh Chodosh Iyar.

Professor Yitzchok Levine

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