[Avodah] Megillah Mysteries: The Eitz Chaim Enigma

Prof. L. Levine llevine at stevens.edu
Thu Feb 23 15:01:56 PST 2023



Can you feel Purim just around the corner? Who isn’t eagerly anticipating this annual Yom Tov extravaganza, featuring joyous dancing, Mishloach Manos, colorful costumes, and of course, the Megillah reading? This timeless scroll describes in detail the incredible turnabout when the Jewish nation was saved from the scheming machinations of the wicked and contemptible, if not downright genocidal and megalomaniacal, Haman, by the self-sacrifice, quick thinking, and virtue of the noble and courageous Queen Esther and the brave and righteous Mordechai.

Ashkenazic vs. Sefardic Megillos?

Anyone who takes a quick gander around the shul at Krias HaMegillah will notice that there are many types and sizes of Megillos: “HaMelech” Megillos,[1]<https://ohr.edu/8309#_edn1> 11 line “Gr”a” Megillos,[2]<https://ohr.edu/8309#_edn2> 21 line Megillos, 28 line Megillos, 42 line Megillos, 48 line Megillos,[3]<https://ohr.edu/8309#_edn3> and even perhaps Illuminated Megillos.[4]<https://ohr.edu/8309#_edn4> However, there is one readily noticeable difference between most Ashkenazic and Sefardic Megillos (aside for the actual ksav, of course):[5]<https://ohr.edu/8309#_edn5> an Amud, the pole, stave, or Eitz Chaim, that is ubiquitously affixed at the end of Sefardic Megillos, but noticeably absent from most Ashkenazic Megillos.

See the above URL for much more on this topic.

Professor Yitzchok Levine
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