[Avodah] Sheker LHara The Boss who wants his workers support

Rabbi Meir G. Rabi meirabi at gmail.com
Wed Feb 22 21:42:28 PST 2023

R’MBerger posted -
an employee may honestly express support for his employer, because he is
not even indirectly implying that he can personally confirm the employer's
specific factual claims.

MRabi -
I fail to understand - we were not ever concerned about the FACTS
We are concerned about the METHOD employed to disclose the facts.
Surely one is entitled to believe one’s RY or Rebbe
But again referring to the ChCh - He INSISTS and you can verify this V
easily, it is critically important to make a legal contract when lending
money no matter how much you trust that person, EVEN YOUR REBBE.

R’MB adds -
Even saying he believes the employer is permitted bcs, that does not imply
that he has personal knowledge, so it's not a devar sheker.

MR -
I am unsure of what to respond.
To be mild one can only suspect that none of these comments have been run
past a Rov because the very basic violations outlined by the ChCh in his
intro is that making any comments whatsoever. Even when 100% accurate - if
they cause discomfort and certainly if they embarrass someone - are
Unless all conditions are met.
It is a sad day when a Torah discussion group appears to be trampling upon
these basics.

Please tell me I am mistaken and have misunderstood.

Besides, Is making such comments not adding fuel to the Machlokes?
So it is not a ToEles but a DISASTER

If the boss wants this type of support one must ask themselves WHY? Of what
value is it to him or her?
And if it is of some value as in swaying public opinion and ChV swaying the
Dayan’s opinion that is the most viscous and horrible thing that can be
done - trying someone in the court of Public Opinion when one party holds
the megaphone. Surely you cannot be serious that you see nothing wrong with
making such blatantly subversive statements.

R’MB adds -
It sounds a lot like "kalah naah vechasudah" -- because we can assume in
the chasan's eyes, she indeed is.

MR -
When one has ALREADY made a purchase and CANNOT reverse to salvage their
loss - that is when we sing KNVeChaSudah.
ABSOLUTELY not when the Shidduch is being suggested.
It is absolutely forbidden for someone who asks a knowledgeable person if
the car she intends to purchase is a ‘good buy’ to say anything but the
truth. And if it is a good friend such communications are LOSE LOSE bcs if
you advise not to buy what she has her heart set on, you will probably be
the nasty fellow; and if you do not then later, when the cars faults appear
you will also be blamed.
Od MeAt UsKaLuNi


Meir G. Rabi

0423 207 837
+61 423 207 837
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