[Avodah] They didn?t even prepare any provisions for themselves

Joe Slater avodah2 at slatermold.com
Sun Jan 29 22:17:12 PST 2023

R' Miller asks why the bnei Yisroel didn't prepare any provisions for
themselves before yetzias Mitzrayim. I think this is one of the things
that would have been obvious a couple of hundred years ago:
1) They didn't have any chometz - which includes sourdough, the
leavening agent of the time.
2) Consequently, any dough which they could prepare in advance would
be unleavened.
3) Why bake unleavened dough and take cold, tasteless matzos, rather
than take the dough and have fresh ones.
4) And who knows, the dough may have a chance to sour a bit (*we* know
better, but they didn't)

So they had no provisions, because they had disposed of any chometz
they retained from before, and they didn't bake matzos for the journey
because they were taking dough with them instead. It's all exactly
what the Chumash says.

Joe Slater

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