[Avodah] Rav Schwab on Wealth

Prof. L. Levine llevine at stevens.edu
Tue Jan 24 14:14:43 PST 2023

The following is from Rav Schwab on Chumash.

When discussing the concept of wealth, Rav Schwab would add a
traditionally Jewish, old-world thought that he had heard from his father,
Reb Yehuda Leib Schwab zt"I: "When we pray on Rosh Chodesh for
a life of wealth and honor, what do we mean? Are
wealth and honor Torah-true values? Aren't they many times a stumbling
block to spiritual growth?" Rav Schwab's father would always explain
that  wealth means a life of no debts, and Kovod, honor, means a life
with no embarrassment or public humiliation resulting from one's
behavior. The love of money and honor often bring one to corruption.
Humble and G-d-fearing Jews pray for the kind of wealth and honor that
will enable them to live a truly upstanding Torah life, beholden to no
one except Hashem and honored by no one except Hashem. With that,
one should be totally content.

Professor Yitzchok Levine
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