[Avodah] Can One Add Water To A Hot Water Urn on Yom Tov

Joe Slater avodah2 at slatermold.com
Wed Nov 30 23:18:25 PST 2022

> Rav Belsky explained that there are two heaters in an electric urn. The
> larger heater turns on when the urn is filled with cold water. Once the
> proper temperature is reached, the first heater turns off and a second
> smaller heater turns on to maintain the temperature.

Rav Belsky never saw my electric urn or he would no doubt have paskened
differently. In fact every electric urn I have ever owned  (perhaps five or
six, made by at least two different manufacturers) had but a single
element, operated via a simple bimetallic thermostat. I suppose things may
be different in the US where you use lower voltages, but I'm frankly
surprised that a manufacturer would use such a complicated apparatus
instead of the simple design I'm familiar with.
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