[Avodah] Definition of Chilul haSheim

Micha Berger micha at aishdas.org
Sun Nov 20 11:44:03 PST 2022

We've discussed this before, but I stumbled on a new source...

AhS OC 602, being near the end of Hil' RH discusses kaparah. And se'ifim
16-17 discuss kaparah for chilul hasheim, and therefore RYME includes a
definition of chilul hasheim.

    (16) Chilul hasheim - this is entirely according to the status of
    the person. The higher the level of the person, if he violates even
    a small matter, it is a chilul hasheim. And like this is what Rav
    says in Yuma (86a)... Or a talmid chakham who doesn't conduct trade
    with honesty, or doesn't speak to peaopl pleasantly. See there. From
    there we learned that however greater the person is -- their chilul
    hasheim is also greater.

    (17) And qal vachomer with chilul hasheim against the nations. Which
    is when a Jews dor any crime of something oppressive to a non-Jew,
    or in measures and weights -- this is a chilul Hashem (sic) that
    cannot be measured. On this Yechezqeil said (36:16)... As to say,
    like when a woman is a niddah -- no one knows about it but her
    husband. So too the nations. They didn't know of their [the Jews']
    tum'ah, only I Knew. And when you were exiled among the nation, and
    the nations know of your tum'ah -- how much greater is the chilul
    hasheim. For the say to Israel, "Are you not the Am Hashem, and how
    could you make yourselves tamei? It is also encumbent on you to know
    that you left your land, and therefore Jewry should not let itself
    rejoice like the nations. And it is encumbent on us to be meqadeish
    sheim shamayim and sheim Yisrael.

How it looks in front of the non-Jews is indeed a major chilul hasheim.

Tir'u baTov!

Micha Berger                 The thought of happiness that comes from outside
http://www.aishdas.org/asp   the person, brings him sadness. But realizing
Author: Widen Your Tent      the value of one's will and the freedom brought
- https://amzn.to/2JRxnDF    by uplifting its, brings great joy. - R' Kook

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