[Avodah] Women Davening (was: [Areivim] Eating Seudah Shleishis in Shul)
Micha Berger
micha at aishdas.org
Tue Nov 15 11:31:51 PST 2022
On Mon, Nov 14, 2022 at 7:54am GMT, Rn Toby Katz wrote on Areivim:
> Most women don't go to shul every day and many don't go on Shabbos,
> either. Since the men are not home, it is likely that many women don't
> get around to davening every day. Yet women are required to daven
> every day (exactly what and how much is a subject of much dispute).
The AhS discusses this (OC 89:1-...). Kedarko beqodesh when it's hard
to understand where the common practice came from, he tries figuring
out whose shitah (or combination of shitos) we must be holding like.
According to the Rambam, the mitzvah to daven daily is a deOraisa (mitzvah
#5). (The Sifrei says so as well.) The Ramban holds that praying when
in distress is deOraisa, but daily prayer is miderabbanan. And this is
the position taken "bekhol haShulchan Arukh".
The AhS holds when the mishnah (Berakhos 3:1, on 17b) says that women are
peturos from Shema and Tefillin but are chayavos in Tefillah and Mezuzah,
it means only when davening in distress. Not the usual tefillas qavua.
Even according to the Rambam (Hil' Tefillah 1:2), the obligation on
women daily would not be 3 times a day nor any fixed siddur. Because
that derabbanan layer is shehazman gerama.
As for saying Shema, the mishnah (3:3) says they're exempt. Which makes
sense, "bechokhbekha uvqumekha" makes it a mitzvas asei shehazeman gerama.
But daily qabbalas ol malkhus Shamayim IS required. (AhS OC 70:2)
So, a woman could say a couple of sentences of her own devise, or from
a Tehillim or from a Tekhines Buch, and be yotzeit. Say Modeh Ani? Make
berakhos? The only real risk of missing their chiyuv to daven or qabbalas
ol malkhus Shamayim ("Melekh Chai veQayam...", "... Melekh ha'olam...") is
if they say it without qavvanah.
Tir'u baTov!
Micha Berger We are great, and our foibles are great,
http://www.aishdas.org/asp and therefore our troubles are great --
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