[Avodah] Why Was RLakish Unhappy? Chanufah

Rabbi Meir G. Rabi meirabi at gmail.com
Mon Oct 24 21:45:07 PDT 2022

Kesuvos 25b
On a later occasion Rabbi Elazar and Reish Lakish sat before Rabbi Yoḥanan
and as before, testimony was presented to validate someone as a Cohen based
on the fact that he'd been called as the first Oleh to the Torah reading.
Reish Lakish said to the person who testified: Did you see that he received
a share of teruma at the threshing floor? But Rabbi Yoḥanan objected: And
if there is no threshing floor there, does the priesthood cease to exist?
Now this was the same response Rabbi Elazar had earlier said to Reish
Lakish. Now RL understood that Rabbi Elazar was in fact repeating the
objection he'd heard from Rabbi Yochanan without disclosing it was Rabbi
Y's objection.

Reish Lakish turned and looked at Rabbi Elazar harshly, and said to him:
You heard a statement of bar Naphacḥa [the blacksmith's son - an epithet
for Rabbi Yoḥanan] and you did not say it to us in his name?

WHat is the problem?
He raised an objection; RLakish considered it and dismissed it.
Is one supposed to stop thinking when one's teacher raises and objection
and just accept it?

Had RL Paskened as per the objection, following his Master's guidelines,
would that have been acceptable?
He was asked for HIS ruling not his Master's ruling.
Is that not a violation of Chanufah?


Meir G. Rabi

0423 207 837
+61 423 207 837
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