[Avodah] Is it permissible to eat or drink anything before hearing kiddush Friday night? What about a sip of water?

Prof. L. Levine llevine at stevens.edu
Fri Oct 21 04:51:10 PDT 2022



Shulchan Aruch (Orach Chaim 271:4) writes that from the time one accepts Shabbos until hearing Kiddush, it is forbidden to eat, drink, or even take a sip of water. However, Magen Avrohom permits rinsing out one’s mouth, since there is no intention to enjoy the water. Similarly, Minchas Yitzchok (8:18) writes that a woman who lit Shabbos candles and then wishes to swallow a medicine pill (a Rabbi should be consulted regarding taking pills on Shabbos), may do so with a sip of water if she is not thirsty (but not other drinks). For this same reason, one who sips water with a pill and is not thirsty should not recite a bracha, but a bracha would be recited on other drinks even if the person is not thirsty. The reason for these distinctions between water and other drinks is that water is enjoyable only when one is thirsty because it is tasteless. In contrast, other drinks are enjoyable because of their taste, even if one is not thirsty. (See Orach Chaim 204:7 and Mishna Berurah ibid 42)

Professor Yitzchok Levine

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