[Avodah] Tamar Not Embarrassing Yehuda

Micha Berger micha at aishdas.org
Mon Dec 19 11:41:27 PST 2022

Here's a related vertl...

    Tzadiq katamar yifrach,
    ke'erez balvanon yisgeh...

Given how many associate erez with gaavah, eg the combination of lowly
eizor and the mighty erez in the means of being mitaheir the metzorah,
maybe we could read the pasuq this way:

How does one flourish like a proud erez in the Levanon and yet still be
a tzadiq? When one flowers like capital-T Tamar, placing others kavod
ahead of one's own.

After all: Eizehu mekhubad, hamekhabeid es haberiyos.

A lichtikn un freilechn Chanukah!

Micha Berger                 How wonderful it is that
http://www.aishdas.org/asp   nobody need wait a single moment
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