[Avodah] Bias kulchem (and rubo k'kulo)
Micha Berger
micha at aishdas.org
Tue Aug 9 07:54:44 PDT 2022
On Sun, Aug 07, 2022 at 10:23:00PM -0400, Akiva Miller via Avodah wrote:
> According to the people quoted in these articles
> https://afbiu.org/news/biu-futurist-predictions
> https://www.algemeiner.com/2022/08/02/according-to-demographic-numbers-israel-will-become-the-center-of-jewish-life/
> within the next 30 years, two-thirds of world Jewry will be living in Eretz
> Yisrael.
The idea that "kol yosheveha aleha" means in their sheivet's ancestral
land is discussed in Tosafos Niddah 47a "lo kulhu saluq". Rabbeinu Tam
rejected the idea, which is why he held that there was Yovel deOraisa
during Bayis Sheini.
The CI (Shevi'is 21:5) writes that Shemittah and Yovel could be deOraisa
even during galus and before sheivet identity is restored. Whereas he
discusses Challah but doesn't end up giving a pesaq.
We quite probably passed the point a while ago of having rov of people
who are halachically Jewish living in Eretz Yisrael.
The Jewish Agency published
<https://www.jewishagency.org/jewish-population-5782> in preparation
for last Rosh haShanah. It says there are 15.2 mm Jews, of whom 6.93 mm
live in Israel. If we could have just accepted those numbers, we would
be talking about 45%.
Meaning, if the population of chu"l is overreported by just 670,000,
we already reached majority.
In chu"l, the numbers of Jews are obtained from self-reporting. In
Israel, it's by Rabbanut Records. While no institution is perfect, and
certainly so for gov't offices, the Rabbanut's numbers are going to be
in the same ballpark as the number of halachic Jews according to your
favorite poseiq's position.
Not all of Medinat Yisrel is in the Eretz Yisrael we were promised by the
Ribbono shel Olam. Do they count? 2/3 of the Negev is south of Sheivet
Yehudah. But this is a tiny effect. The biggest concentration of Jews in
question is Eilat's 49,000 (assuming a Gooogle'd up number of 96% Jewish).
The self-reporting is bound to include well over the 700,000 or so who
self-identify as Jews but halachically nachriim to tip the balance to "kol
yosheveha aleha", at least for any dinim that do not require shevatim.
Self-identified patrilineal in the US alone accounts for more than that.
Add to that non-halachic converts, children of non-halachically Jewish
I therefore think the CI would require we do away with all haaramah in
how we fulfill terumos, maaseros and maybe shemittah. A HUGE argument
against Heter Mechirah AND Otzar Beis Din.
But at least you can be meiqil and still burn your challah lechatchilah.
Tir'u baTov!
Micha Berger You want to know how to paint a perfect
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