[Avodah] Preparing on Shabbos for After Shabbos
Prof. L. Levine
llevine at stevens.edu
Mon Aug 15 05:32:02 PDT 2022
The following is from today's OU Kosher Halacha Yomis
Q. One may not prepare on Shabbos for a weekday (this is known as “hachona”) unless there will also be a benefit for Shabbos from these activities. In the latter situation, must the benefit for Shabbos be primary?
A. Hachona is permitted even if the primary benefit is for a weekday and the benefit for Shabbos is secondary. Still, a person must be honest and not pretend there is a benefit for Shabbos when that is not one’s actual intention. Following are a few illustrations of this concept:
* One may not put linen on a bed so that it will be ready after Shabbos. However, if one thinks they might take a nap on Shabbos or the bed is being made so that the room looks tidy, then it is permissible to do so (Mishnah Berurah 302:19).
* A gabbai may not roll a sefer Torah on Shabbos to prepare the proper place for reading during the week. However, if the gabbai reads a few p’sukim from the Torah after it is rolled, this is considered a benefit for Shabbos (since one fulfills the mitzvah of Torah study), and it is permitted (Aruch Hashulchan OC 667:2).
* If Purim begins motzo’ei Shabbos, one may not bring a megillah to Shul on Shabbos, unless he studies from it on Shabbos (Shmiras Shabbos K’hilchaso 28:84).
* One may not borrow a bottle of wine on Shabbos from a neighbor if it is only needed for Havdalah. However, if one plans to drink some of the wine on Shabbos, it is permissible.
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