[Avodah] How to Make Havdalah When Motza'ei Shabbos is Tisha B'Av - 5782/2022

Prof. L. Levine llevine at stevens.edu
Fri Aug 5 06:56:26 PDT 2022



Sunday Night Havdalah

Just one week following Klal Yisrael’s Parshiyos resynchronization after an over-three month long dichotomy between Eretz Yisrael and Chutz La’aretz,[1]<https://ohr.edu/9993#_edn1> as Shabbos Chazon draws to a close along with our not-too-common fleishig Erev Tisha B’Av Seudah Hamafsekes (a.k.a. Seudas Shlishis),[2]<https://ohr.edu/9993#_edn2> the fast of Tisha B’Av commences. Yet, an important question that needs to be asked is: What about Havdalah? How can we make Havdalah if we are all now fasting? And, is it proper to make Havdalah on Tisha B’Av?

Let’s jump to the practical conclusion and then backtrack to the specifics. Practically speaking, Havdalah as we know it will only partially be recited this Motza’ei Shabbos, whereasmost of Havdalah actually gets pushed off until Sunday night, Motza’ei Tisha B’av.[3]<https://ohr.edu/9993#_edn3>

Half Havdalah?

In Maariv on Motza’ei Shabbos-Tisha B’Av, we recite “Attah Chonantanu” to allow the performing of melachah (or by simply saying “Hamavdil Bein Kodesh L’Chol” once it is Tzeis Hakochavim at the conclusion of Shabbos). There is no bracha of Besamim at all - as that is considered hana’ah (benefit or pleasure), which we minimize on Tisha B’Av. It is also not recited on Motza’ei Tzom, when the fast ends on Sunday night, as at that point it is no longer directly after Shabbos.

Regarding the bracha of Borei Me’orei Ha’Aish on the flame this Motza’ei Shabbos/Tisha B’Av, this is generally recited in shul (or at home) after Maariv as a stand-alone bracha.[4]<https://ohr.edu/9993#_edn4>[5]<https://ohr.edu/9993#_edn5>On Sunday night Motza’ei Tisha B’Av, when the fast is over, the rest of Havdalah is recited; yet, this Havdalah we start from the bracha on the Kos and it only consists of that bracha and the bracha of “Hamavdil Bein Kodesh L’Chol.”[6]<https://ohr.edu/9993#_edn6>

But there is still an unanswered question: What should be the contents of the Kos on which we are making this Motza’ei Tisha B’Av Havdalah? Generally speaking, many of the Nine Days’ restrictions are still in effect through the next day until at least midday (Chatzos Hayom), including those of eating meat and drinking wine;[7]<https://ohr.edu/9993#_edn7> and although this year Tisha B’Av is a ‘Nidcheh’, pushed off until Sunday,[8]<https://ohr.edu/9993#_edn8> those restrictions still apply until Sunday morning. However, Havdalah still needs to be recited when the fast ends. So what do we do?

See the above URL for more.

Yitzchok Levine
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