[Avodah] When early shabbos is Rosh Chodesh

Akiva Miller akivagmiller at gmail.com
Wed May 11 19:13:48 PDT 2022

I found the following at

> Davening Maariv Early on Friday Rosh Chodesh
> When one is mekabel shabbos early and friday is rosh chodesh,
> should one say yaleh v’yavo in the shabbos davening? Is it best
> not to make early shabbos so as not to enter into such problems?
> Answer:
> If one davens Maariv of Shabbos early on Friday Rosh Chodesh,
> Yaaleh Veyavo is not said (Magen Avraham 419:1; Mishnah Berurah
> 424:2). The reasoning is that with regard to Maariv it is
> considered as night. This principle is based on the Terumas
> Hadeshen (109), and others.
> Note that this is not necessarily true for one who eats before
> Maariv, accepting Shabbos by making kiddush, and this will
> probably depend on the dispute between Maharshal and Taz
> concerning eating early on the night of Shemini Atzeres (does
> one make the beracha on the Sukkah). It is preferable not to do
> this when Friday falls on Rosh Chodesh.

Well, I guess my main question has been answered. MB 424:2 does cite the
MA, and his reasoning is quite similar (perhaps identical) to that of R'
Marty Bluke.

I was fascinated, though, because the MB doesn't mention Shabbos at all. It
is a somewhat lengthy se'if, covering several situations, and in all of
them they davened the post-RC Maariv early on a regular weekday! Even when
there is no Kabalas Shabbos to conflict with Rosh Chodesh, they davened an
ordinary Maariv (without Yaaleh V'yavo) and then ate their meal while it
was still day; and because Yaaleh Vyavo was left out of Maariv it must also
be left out of the subsequent Birkas Hamazon.

If anyone has been following this thread, I strongly recommend this MB, as
it discusses several interesting variations on this theme.

Akiva Miller

PS: Just for the record, I'm still wondering:
1) What to do if one finally remembers RC Musaf after beginning Shabbos
2) Why Shabbos wins on Erev Shabbos Chazon, but Shabbos loses on Asara
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