[Avodah] When Early Shabbos is Rosh Chodesh

Marty Bluke marty.bluke at gmail.com
Fri May 6 07:04:22 PDT 2022

The Taz in siman 668:3 discusses a similar case. If you are mekabel Shemini
Atzeres early and start eating the meal during the day you don’t make a
beracha on the succa even though astronomically it’s still the 7th day of
succos. Also see the taz in siman 600:2 where he has an interesting
question if Rosh hashana is Thursday and Friday and you don’t have a shofar
and you make early shabbos and after you make early shabbos you get a
shofar, can you blow? At the end there he explicitly references mila and
states that mila is not affected by Davening maariv.
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