[Avodah] Gluten Free During Pesach

Akiva Miller akivagmiller at gmail.com
Mon Apr 25 12:43:45 PDT 2022

(a postscript to my post of a few minutes ago).

PS: Baruch Hashem, I have no gluten sensitivity that I'm aware of. I became
aware of the oats problem a few years ago when I purchased a loaf of the
Katz's bread (that I mentioned above) thinking that it would make
convenient sandwiches for lunch, as netilas yadayim is very difficult where
I work. Alas, I got home and opened that package, and that's then I
realized the problem.

(This was a few years ago, and I don't remember whether (a) I was too
focused on the "Gluten Free" to notice that it was a loaf of "Oat Bread",
or whether (b) perhaps the bread had an innocuous name and I would have
remained ignorant had I not happened to read the ingredient list.)

Caveat emptor. Knowledge is power. The same way that lactose-intolerant
people need to be aware that "pareve" might not be a sufficient guarantee
for their health, so too do the rest of us need to know that "gluten-free"
might not mean what you think.

Akiva Miller
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