[Avodah] [Areivim] Making a siyum in 90 minutes

Prof. L. Levine llevine at stevens.edu
Mon Apr 4 08:17:41 PDT 2022

On Sun, Apr 03, 2022 at 10:00:47PM +0000, Prof. L. Levine via Areivim wrote:
> For a bechor stuck at home. See attached video first.
> *Harav Asher Weiss Shlit"a on Making Your Own Siyum (for Taanis Bechoros) in under 90 minutes*
> *Harav Asher Weiss Shlit'a*: So let me say this, *if you can actually
> do a Siyum, that's preferable*. One of my Talmidim had a great idea,
> & he recorded himself the entire Meseches Makkos Yerushalmi, it's the
> shortest Mesechta in Shas.
Micha Berger wrote:

I am wondering whether that really works, or if we're taking a Corona heter
and turning into a norm.

After all, where is the simchas mitzvah that would underly making a
se'udah? Is someone really making a se'udah over completing 90 minutes
of learning? (Although if someone really does feel that simchah over 90
minutes of learning, kol hakavod!)

I do not know how a siyum Eruv Pesach is made where you daven,  but the ones I have attended are done as quickly as possible, and then some non Gebrockts "cake" and juice are served and people run home. Not much simcha as far as I am concerned.

I will grant you that in this 90-minute siyum there will probably be no kaddish unless one gathers a minyan for this in one's home.

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