[Avodah] Did we just celebrate Chag haBikkurim?

Micha Berger micha at aishdas.org
Tue Jun 7 08:57:38 PDT 2022

I learned the following just before Shavuos:

The Ohr haChaim (Devarim 26:2) says that since Shemittah crops are not
"asher H' Elokekha nasan lakh", there would be no bikkurim during the
Shemittah year.

The CI (Orlah 11:18) pasqens (if the word applies to someone not writing
bizman sheBHMQ qayam) that because you don't own the first fruit as it
grew, there is no bikkurim during Shemittah.

Rashi (Shemos 23:19 "reishis") appears to say there is bikkurim during
a Shemittah year. Our text explicitly says, "af shevi'is chayeves
bebikkuim". BUT, the Maharal (Gur Aryeh ad loc) says, "Bevadai ta'us
hasofer hu", and then giving the OhC's argument.

So, was this past Sunday "Shavuos" without being "Chag haBikkurim"?

Tir'u baTov!

PS: Could someone explain on Areivim when Hebrew terms are considered
proper names to be capitalized, and when not? I capitalized "Shemittah"
by parallel to the commonplace "Shabbos", but I see I had not parallel
instinct to capitalise "bikkurim".

Micha Berger                 The trick is learning to be passionate in one's
http://www.aishdas.org/asp   ideals, but compassionate to one's peers.
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