[Avodah] "Insights Into Halacha: Seder Insights: Understanding Urchatz, Comprehending Karpas.

Prof. L. Levine llevine at stevens.edu
Thu Apr 14 15:12:24 PDT 2022

A video presentation synopsis of this topic is currently available at https://ohr.edu/pesach-videos/<https://email.cloud.secureclick.net/c/6424?id=52138.849.1.0a77f39897d0e9ae4a869e78320a97f1>

Have you ever wondered why, during the annual Pesach Seder, when we dip the Karpas vegetables in saltwater to symbolize our ancestor’s tears while enslaved at the hands of the cruel Egyptians, we precede it by washing our hands (Urchatz)? Isn’t handwashing exclusively reserved for prior to ‘breaking bread’? And furthermore, why is this only performed at the Seder? Is there a specific message this action is meant to portray?

Please see the article at

Seder Insights: Understanding Urchatz, Comprehending Karpas by Rabbi Yehuda Spitz<https://ohr.edu/this_week/insights_into_halacha/9835>
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