[Avodah] Chamets - Whiskey & Vinegar

Zev Sero zev at sero.name
Wed Mar 30 07:04:08 PDT 2022

On 30/3/22 00:39, Rabbi Meir G. Rabi via Avodah wrote:
> However, this calculation works only for vinegar packaged for domestic 
> purposes. The prohibition of owning Chamets applies if within any 
> container there is a Kezayis of Chamets. In the case of a dilution of 
> 95%, there will be a Kezayis [let’s say 200ml] of vinegar in a container 
> larger than 2,600ml. If only half of the Kezayis of vinegar is Chamets, 
> there will be a Kezayis in a container of more than 5,200ml. In the 
> industrial and commercial domains, vinegar is stored in containers of 
> many hundreds if not thousands of litres and contains many Kezaysim of 
> Chamets.

You are forgetting steps A and B.  Even in a 100-litre container there 
is most likely no chametz at all, and if there is by some chance any 
chametz it was most probably batel in other alcohol even before the 95% 
water was added.

Zev Sero            Wishing you a happy and kosher Pesach, and a
zev at sero.name       healthy season appropriate to your hemisphere

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