[Avodah] What did Moshe Rabenu get angry about?
Toby Katz
t613k at aol.com
Tue Mar 29 21:56:29 PDT 2022
In Avodah Digest, Vol 40, Issue 22 dated 3/29/2022
From: Akiva Miller <akivagmiller at gmail.com> >> ....Rashi (Bamidbar 31:21) lists several cases where Moshe Rabenu got angry,causing him to err, and Rashi lists this incident among them. In otherwords, Moshe got angry, and this caused him to be mistaken about thehalachos of that korban. My problem is that I don't understand this sequence of events. Exactly whatwas it that caused Moshe to get angry? Prior to the moment when Moshe sawthat korban, he had no cause for anger, and had not yet forgotten thehalacha. In the next moment, when he did see the korban, his reactionshould have been, "they did it perfectly". But instead, pasuk 10:16 tellsus that Moshe saw and got angry. Why? There seems to be some kind of paradox going on, or a reversal ofcause-and-effect. Moshe would get angry only as a result of mistakenlythinking that the korban was done incorrectly. And he would make themistake of thinking that it was done incorrectly only if he was alreadyangry. Which came first, the chicken or the egg? << Akiva Miller
>>>> Ohr Hachaim asks exactly the same question about the sequence. The pasuk seems to suggest that Moshe forgot the halacha and then got angry, while Rashi says he got angry and therefore forgot the halacha. But if so, then what was he angry about in the first place?
If you have the patience to wade through it, Ohr Hachaim suggests several possibilities, maybe this, maybe that, at great length. One is that Aharon had burned the chatas without consulting Moshe first, which is the sin of poskening before your rebbe. The halacha that Moshe forgot was that one may so posken if his psak is based on a kal vechomer from something he learned from his rebbe. I warn you the reasoning goes on at great length with many twists and turns, and I confess I didn't totally follow it. But it should give you a good feeling to know that the very question you thought of on your own was a question asked by the great Ohr Hachaim.
--Toby Katzt613k at aol.com ============= ______________________________
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