[Avodah] AH"S

Micha Berger micha at aishdas.org
Mon Feb 7 13:38:12 PST 2022

On Thu, Feb 03, 2022 at 01:53:44AM -0500, Joel Rich via Avodah wrote:
> I'm currently reading "Taaroch Lfanai Shulchan" based on the writings of
> R' Henkin HY"D. Besides helping improve my Hebrew, the insights into R'
> Epsteins rabbanut as he wrote the Aruch Hashulchan put a sharp point on the
> difference between a rabbinic authority for a diverse congregation and one
> writing in a scholarly milieu...

Which, according to his father, RYHH z"tl (the Benei Banim and Avodah
member), was the motive his great-grandfather (R Yosef Eliyahu Henkin)
gave for preferring the AhS over the MB.

The haqdamah and the title page of the MB says its purpose is to give
a survey of opinions that post-dates the standard SA page, to give
access to opinions that many do not have in their homes. Rather than
intending the MB to be a "poseiq acharon" for the masses, the CC
intended to put together a tool for LORs, where his conclusions were
more theoretical.

Which would be sufficient to explain why the MB is more textualist.
It's about the texts. There is no need to delve into the mimetic aspect
of pesaq. Which in turn explains why the CC didn't always practice like
the MB.

More at https://aspaqlaria.aishdas.org/2015/05/31/textualism-mb

Between TlFS, R/Drs Broyde and Pill's book on the AhS's methodology,
Urim coming out with the first volume of a Hebrew-English edition
(OC 242-292, Hil' Shabbos part I), and AhS Yomi*...

... I was asked to write an article about the AhS for The Jewish Press.
It's at https://bit.ly/3HyD7NG or

In it I portray the AhS as a continuation of halakhah-as-process, the
reason why we still learn Shas after the Rif published its masqanos,
why the opposition to the SA only fell away because of the existence
of the BY and of nosei keilim turning it into a point in the dialog,
and not a stifling codification, etc...

(And, by the editor's insistence, I did have to throw in a few words
comparing the AhS to the MB. But I think that's unfair to both sefarim.)

* Time out for a reminder that AishDas has an AhS Yomi program with
something like 200 people following our schedule. It covers OC and the
latter part of YD that is relevant to the masses -- from egg spots to
kibud av to nichum aveilim, etc...

Resources are available at http://aishdas.org/ahs-yomi
the Aruch HaShulchan Yomi facebook group,
and the Sefaria calendar of daily learning page.
RYGB is giving a daily shiur on YouTube
although most are learning on their own with the schedule available
on the web site.

Tir'u baTov!

Micha Berger                 People were created to be loved.
http://www.aishdas.org/asp   Things were created to be used.
Author: Widen Your Tent      The reason why the world is in chaos is that
- https://amzn.to/2JRxnDF    things are being loved, people are being used.

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