[Avodah] To Drink or Not To Drink? A Halachic Analysis of Getting Drunk on Purim.

Prof. L. Levine llevine at stevens.edu
Wed Mar 16 04:37:07 PDT 2022


Who doesn’t love Purim? This annual Yom Tov extravaganza, featuring joyous dancing, Mishloach Manos, colorful costumes, and of course, the Megillah reading, is the favorite time of year for quite a few of us. However, for many, it is the unique Mitzva to get drunk that they relish. Since Purim is described in the Megillah as a day of Mishteh (referring to a wine feast)[1]<https://ohr.edu/9792#_edn1> and the Purim turnabout miracle occurred at such wine feasts, there is a rare dispensation from the norm, and an apparent obligation to drink wine.[2]<https://ohr.edu/9792#_edn2> Hopefully, the wine will enable one to experience a sublime, spiritual Purim.[3]<https://ohr.edu/9792#_edn3>

Yet, as is well known, uninhibited drinking may also unfortunately result in catastrophic consequences. If so, what exactly is the Mitzva of drinking on Purim? This essay proposes to find out.

See the above URL for much more.


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