[Avodah] [Areivim] Kosher Supermarkets
Prof. Levine
larry62341 at optonline.net
Fri Feb 25 04:54:10 PST 2022
At 11:50 PM 2/24/2022, Marty Bluke wrote to me.
(I am moving this discussion to Avodah.):
>Your gift of the food to your gentile cleaning
>lady may be a violation of lo sechanem. The
>Gemara learns out from lo sechanem that it is
>prohibited to give a gift to a non Jew. So your
>actions may be a case of a chumra that leads to a kula.Â
Let's put the Gemara you referred to in proper
context. From what I have posted below:
"If you have a relationship with the non-Jew and
may receive something in return, one is permitted to give gifts."
I certainly have a relationship with my cleaning
given that she cleans my house, and a clean house is what I receive in return!
Yitzchok Levine
* One is forbidden to give a free gift to a
* Some explain that this by all non-Jews
except for a ger
* Others explain that this only applies
* Others explain that this only applied
to the seven nations that inhabited the land of
Israel in the days of
* The prohibition is not about the act of
giving, but the non-Jew benefiting. Therefore, it
only applies if the non-Jew receives the
* One is permitted to accept a gift from a
* Some prohibit one from donating blood in a
country that is mostly
Nowadays many permit donating
* If you have a relationship with the non-Jew
and may receive something in return, one is
permitted to give
* It is permitted to give a gift for an
* If you are giving a gift in order to
maintain a peaceful environment, it is
Therefore, one
* Give charity to a non-Jew.
* Visit a non-Jew who is ill.
* Bury and eulogize non-Jew.
* Comfort a non-Jewish mourner.
* One may tip a taxi driver, even though
you'll never see him
* Some allow giving a gift if it is out of
compassion for a non-Jew
Zara 20b quoting
7:2. Shulchan Aruch Y.D. 151:11
249:2 Rav Moshe Feinstein (Igros Moshe
2:51) says this is specifically by non-Jews, but
does not apply to irreligious Jews. Tosfos
Zara 20a s.v. d'amar. Beis Yosef
249. Shach Y.D. 151:18. Sma
249:2 explains that a ger toshav is a person who
accepts the sheva mitzvos bnei noach and we are
therefore obligated to provide for him if he
doesn't have and are allowed to give him gifts.
However, one who doesn't abide by the sheva
mitzvos can only be sold to Meiri
Zara 20a, Shut HaRashba 1:8, and Sefer HaChinuch
Mitzvah 426. Shut Titz Eliezer 15:47:5 Torah
Temimah in
7:2. Titz Eliezer 15:47 says this is not accepted
as it is against the rishonim Avoda Berura
Zara 20 Yad Rama
Batra 6 Rav Menashe Klein (Mishneh Halachos
4:245) says this would be an issue of giving a
free gift and healing non-Jews Rabbi Aryeh
Lebowitz in a
strongly encourages donating blood. He explains
that you are donating to a system (just like
paying taxes), so there is a reciprocity. It
helps when everyone donates and this is similar
to the Taz Y.D. 151:8. Additionally, your blood
may be going to a Jew and he may need it
immediately. Finally, many poskim including Rav
Heinkin say that the prohibition only applies to
idolaters. Rabbi Lebowitz quoted from Rabbi
Mordechai Willig and Rabbi Tzvi Sobolofsky that
it is permissible to give blood Taz Y.D. 151:8.
Zara 1:19 explains that it is not a free gift,
but an exchange, similar to a sale. Ran
38b) uses this rationale to explain how Rabbi
Eliezer freed his slave in order to complete a
minyan. Although this was a gift to the slave, it
is permissible if the givers benefit. Shut
HaRashbash 468 says it would be prohibited to
give a vessel to a non-Jew as a present on Yom
Tov if you forgot to do tevilas keilim. Shulchan
249:2 Shulchan Aruch Y.D. 151:12 The Debreciner
Rav (Beer Moshe 3:117) explains that if you dont
he (and his friends) will no longer stop and pick
up Jews. Shut Divrei Yatziv 10:43
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