[Avodah] aveil daven on rosh chodesh
Micha Berger
micha at aishdas.org
Wed Nov 17 10:19:25 PST 2021
On Wed, Nov 17, 2021 at 06:49:26AM +0000, Rich, Joel via Avodah wrote:
> How widespread is the practice of having an aveil daven on rosh chodesh
> up to, but not including, yishtabach? What is halachically gained by
> this practice? (During a regular shacharit as well?)
Take a look at R Danny Mann's treatment at
The question was a case where the gabbai asserted the minhag RJR
described, but the avel's rav said he should take all of Shacharis. So,
a second piece -- who do you follow?
Money quote (which ended up being 2/3 of the body):
The Maharil (Shut 22) is the primary source about limiting when an avel
can be chazan. He says that an avel should not be chazan on Shabbat,
Yom Tov, and for Hallel because of the simcha associated with those
tefillot. The Rama (Yoreh Deah 376:4) cites this idea only in regard to
Shabbat and Yom Tov, writing that the practice is for them not to be
chazan although it is not forbidden, but Ashkenazi Acharonim accept
it for Hallel as well. There is quite an even set of opinions and
varied practices regarding the rest of Shacharit as well as Mincha
and Maariv on days when there is Hallel (Rosh Chodesh, Chanuka)
and Purim (see a survey in Divrei Sofrim, YD 376:94). Therefore,
both practices are legitimate, and that is not our main interest.
The minhag is related to a discrepancy between the festivity of
the tefilla and the avel's sadness (or an aura of strict judgment -
see Taz, OC 660:2). But who are we trying to "protect"? If we are
protecting the congregation from an avel who is not capable enough to
elevate them to the proper mood, then it is clearly the shul's call,
and ostensibly the avel (unintentionally) acted improperly. If it
is that it is wrong for the avel to thrust himself into the midst
of excitement that is incongruous with his avelut, the matter likely
depends on his rabbi's ruling.
Sources that connect the matter to the suitability of the avel to act
as a shaliach (agent) of the tzibbur include the Taz (ibid.) and Zera
Emet (III:164). My reading of the Maharil itself and of the Maharam
Shick (OC 183) indicates that it is a matter of inappropriateness for
the avel's mourning obligations. (I am not convinced my reading is
correct; it is not feasible to share the nuances in this forum.) It
is possible to distinguish between specific cases. Perhaps regarding
Shabbat and Yom Tov and Hallel, the community demands festivity the
avel lacks. Perhaps, though, the rest of Shacharit has no special
requirements for the chazan, just that involvement in the public
service of such a happy day is improper for him. Therefore, we leave
the fundamental unconcluded.
Tir'u baTov!
Micha Berger I slept and dreamt that life was joy.
http://www.aishdas.org/asp I awoke and found that life was duty.
Author: Widen Your Tent I worked and, behold -- duty is joy.
- https://amzn.to/2JRxnDF - Rabindranath Tagore
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