[Avodah] peshuto shel mikra
Zev Sero
zev at sero.name
Tue Aug 31 07:39:49 PDT 2021
On 30/8/21 12:27 pm, Micha Berger via Avodah wrote:
> I have a theory that I only spot-checked and could use MUCH more work.
> I think Rashi's "peshat" includes anything that explains a grammatical
> anomaly.
Yes, exactly. Grammar is part of peshat, and when there's an anomaly it
needs explaining. Rashi tries first to explain it without resorting to
agada, and if he can't then he cites only as much from an agada as is
necessary to explain it, omitting those parts of the same agada that
aren't necessary for the peshat.
See the booklet "Klalei Rashi", https://www.hebrewbooks.org/30463 ,
based on the LR's hundreds of explanations on various comments by Rashi,
analyzing each one to explain why he wrote it exactly as he did.
Zev Sero Wishing everyone health, wealth, and
zev at sero.name happiness in 5782
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