[Avodah] Sukkah 4a “What’s Wrong with This Picture?”

Prof. L. Levine llevine at stevens.edu
Mon Jul 12 15:43:33 PDT 2021


Sukkah 4a “What’s Wrong with This Picture?” – The Seforim Blog<https://seforimblog.com/2021/07/sukkah-4a-whats-wrong-with-this-picture/>
Sukkah 4a “What’s Wrong with This Picture?” By Eli Genauer. This post is is l’zecher nishmas my uncle and rebbe, Rabbi Sam Genauer ZT”L whose yahrtzeit is the second day of Av. Rabbi Genauer was a talmid of Rabbi Moshe Soloveichik at RIETS.
By Eli Genauer

Please see the above URL for a detailed discussion of these pictures.

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