[Avodah] When was Pi haAretz created?

Akiva Miller akivagmiller at gmail.com
Tue Jun 8 16:43:29 PDT 2021

R' Micha Berger asked:

> But, what Moshe (Bamidbar 16:30) says is, "ve'im beri'ah
> yivra H' ufatzesa ha'adamah es piha..."
> But according to Avos, the mouth was already created well
> before Moshe spoke!?
> So, why does Moshe describe the earth opening up to swallow
> people as a new beryah?

Read the words carefully. The new creation is not the earth's mouth. The
mouth already existed. Perhaps it was even a well-known geological

But it had never opened up before. *That* is the beriah described by that
pasuk. The opening up of the already-existent mouth.

"Hashem will create a creation, that the earth will open its mouth..."

Akiva Miller
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