[Avodah] Can One Take In Shavuot Early?

Akiva Miller akivagmiller at gmail.com
Fri May 21 03:36:23 PDT 2021

R' Isaac Balbin wrote:

> Indeed, this is an area that the Chafetz Chaim was critical
> of R' Hersh Leib (the Netziv). The Netziv sometimes supports
> his view with a new interpretation of a pasuk which had never
> seemingly existed prior, thereby affixing a deorayso like
> imperative to same.

I'm confused, mostly because I don't know of the Netziv's view on this
matter. You SEEM to be saying that the practice of waiting on Shavuos night
is an example of a new interpretation, and that the Chafetz Chaim was
critical of him for it.

If so, can you give a citation where we can see that the Chafetz Chaim was
critical of this practice? From what I see, Mishne Berura 494:1 *supports*
this practice.

Akiva Miller
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