[Avodah] Chalav Yisrael in 19th and early 20th cent US with Badatz )

Micha Berger micha at aishdas.org
Fri Jun 18 06:52:34 PDT 2021

On Thu, Jun 17, 2021 at 10:57:10AM -0400, Zev Sero wrote ON AREIVIM:
> On 16/6/21 4:57 am, Marty Bluke via Areivim wrote:
> > Regarding chalav stam, yes everyone knows that other gedolim held it was
> > mutar. However, the fact is that there were/are many poskim who hold it
> > is not including the Chasam Sofer. Therefore, today it has become an
> > accepted chumra and is not difficult to keep.

> The matirim (or most of them) also hold like the Chasam Sofer.  R Moshe does
> so explicitly...

RMF's idea is that we hold like the CS but "re'iyah" means knowledge
as sure of seeing it yourself, a higher level of certainty than for usual
birur. And we find this usage 

I do not believe the reisha is true. I know that in Boston, the rav who
served until 1931, R Yisrael Avraham Abba Krieger, held like the Peri
Chadash -- that Chalav Yisrael is a pesaq, like any other possibility
of taaroves issur.

Zev himself mentioned in 2019
that the Ridvaz held like the PC. (It is only due to the 5th diberah and
filial loyalty that I didn't open with the Ridvaz.) So, likely the same
was true in Chicago.

I think RMF was mechadeish a way to preserve existing halachic pesaq
even though he personally couldn't side with the PC over the CS. But the
people who actually gave the pesaqim that set that norm did indeed tend
to rely on the PC.

I think the CI also held like the PC. See 4:14 and read for youself. It's
not clear enough to me that I can express certainty.


PS: I am also unclear about acronyms. We have R David [ben Shelomo ibn
Abi] Zimra who was expelled from Spain when he was 13. And the person
I was talking about, R Yaakov David Wilovsky, founder of the yeshiva in
Slutzk (now BMG of Lakewood) who came to the US to pay off publication
of his edition of the Yerushalmi. He headed the Agudas haRabbanim and
was rav in Chicago, when the Mafia in the meat industry forced him to
flee to Tzefas.

I am used to calling the latter the Ridvaz, spelled reish yud... for R'
Yaaqov David, and the former the Radbaz. Zev in 2019 called RYDW "Radvaz".

I would love to know if there are conventions, as otherwise the two could
get confusing.

Micha Berger                 Education is not the filling of a bucket,
http://www.aishdas.org/asp   but the lighting of a fire.
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