[Avodah] What is the basis for reciting the beracha of Asher Yatzar?

Prof. L. Levine llevine at stevens.edu
Fri May 28 06:31:52 PDT 2021

>From today's OU Kosher Halacha Yomis

Q. What is the basis for reciting the beracha of Asher Yatzar?

A. The Gemara (Berachos 60b) states that after relieving oneself, the beracha of Asher Yatzar is recited. The actual text of the beracha is recorded in the gemara. Though the mitzvah of reciting a beracha is fulfilled even if the person does not understand it's meaning, one should make a special effort to understand every beracha. This is particularly true of the beracha of Asher Yatzar, as the sefer Seder Hayom (16th century) in the section of Kavanos Ha’Berachos, writes that one who recites this beracha with full concentration will be saved from all forms of illness. It is noteworthy that the Shulchan Aruch (OC 6:1), which is a primarily a sefer of halacha, explains the meaning of the beracha of Asher Yatzar in detail. Clearly, Rav Yosef Cairo, who authored the Shulchan Aruch, viewed the understanding of Asher Yatzar to be uniquely important.

Here are two main phrases, with some of the explanations found in Shulchan Aruch:

Asher Yatzar es Ha’Adam B’chochma (You created man with wisdom) - This beracha recognizes the wisdom of Hashem in creating the human body with all its intricacies.

Rofei kol basar (You are the healer of all flesh) - We recognize that Hashem watches over us and makes certain that our complex internal organs function properly, and there are no obstructions which could be fatal. This phrase concludes, U’mafli la’asos (and performs wonders). The breath of air that enters our bodies remains properly contained within specific areas and does not escape from our mouths and into various cavities. Rama adds that in ways that we cannot comprehend, G-d miraculously binds together the physical and spiritual dimensions of our bodies and souls.

 I know someone who recently had to have part of her colon removed due to a variety of problems.  She then had to have a colostomy.

See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colostomy  for details.

It seems to me that when everything is fine with a person the s/he should be very happy to say the Bracha Asher.

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