[Avodah] Many medications are encased in gelatin capsules. May these be used?

Prof. Levine larry62341 at optonline.net
Tue Apr 27 14:46:41 PDT 2021

At 05:12 PM 4/27/2021, Harry Maryles wrote:
>I asked R’ Gedalia Dov Schwartz, ZTL this 
>Shaila WRT vitamin D that my doctor said I 
>needed. He told me that prescription medication 
>is never a problem since it is not considered 
>food. Furthermore if a Dr. prescribed it for 
>your health, there is nothing to talk about.
>Vitamins OTOH are considered food and therefore require a Hechsher.
>I then asked him why vitamins should be a 
>problem in any case because they were taken 
>Shelo K’Derech Achila. They are basically 
>placed in the mouth and then quickly swallowed 
>wholeb without tasting it and without any Hanoas 
>G’rono. He did not disagree with me but he 
>said that if I took the non kosher vitamins 
>together with a piece of lettuce that it would 
>be permissible.  Don’t recall why that is the case.

Today one can buy most vitamins with a 
hashgacha.  Vitamin D is one  of them.  Go to 
Amazon and  do a  search.  Solgar has many 
vitamins under the supervision of the Kof-K.


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