[Avodah] updated short (in English) tshuvos from Horav Shlomo Miller of Toronto (3100 questions)

mcohen at touchlogic.com mcohen at touchlogic.com
Wed Mar 24 20:30:38 PDT 2021

RYGB writes.I would be leery of psakim quoted from RSM. 


I have personally been present multiple times when Rabbi Bartfeld discusses
his questions w RSM.

RB often will write them up, and then review his written answer (if complex)
with RSM a second time.


I can't promise that broken telephone has never occurred, but the process is
pretty error free.


Offhand I have only found one RB psak that was different than what RSM told
me personally (wearing snowshoes where there is no eruv). It is possible
that RSM has changed his mind on that issue (it has been 25yrs+ since I
asked the original shaylah)


As for your question, I personally have discussed whipped cream from a can
on Shabbos with RSM and it is true that he is matir, and is also not
concerned with the shape (round, T, etc) formed in the whipped cream by the
tip either.

As for your question from foaming soap, yesh l'tareitz



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