[Avodah] Prayers That The Tzibbur Does Not Say
Zev Sero
zev at sero.name
Thu Feb 25 13:35:52 PST 2021
On 24/2/21 10:31 pm, Akiva Miller via Avodah wrote:
> To keep the conversation going, I'll suggest another scenario, similar
> to those you've mentioned. Suppose a great leader (a Rosh Yeshiva, or a
> chassidic Rebbe, for example) is very ill. The community arranges a big
> event, to encourage great throngs to come and pray for the leader's
> health. There are many tehillim recited, many speeches given, and many
> tears shed. Then the entire crowd unites to daven mincha together. When
> the shliax tzibbur recites Xazaras Hashatz, can he add a tefila for the
> leader's health, either in Refa'einu or in Shema Kolenu? If not, why not?
The obvious analogy is to those countries that need rain when it is not
needed in Bavel, and therefore Tal Umatar is not said. The halacha is
that each individual in those countries should add "Vesein Tal Umatar
Livracha" in Shomea` Tefillah. However the shliach tzibur does not do
so, even though each individual he is representing needs rain and did
pray for it in his private tefillah.
Zev Sero Wishing everyone a *healthy* and happy 5781
zev at sero.name "May this year and its curses end
May a new year and its blessings begin"
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