[Avodah] OU's Guidelines for Purim
Micha Berger
micha at aishdas.org
Tue Feb 16 09:25:56 PST 2021
On Mon, Feb 15, 2021 at 04:45:23PM -0500, Prof. Levine via Avodah wrote:
> Presented by Orthodox Union and RCA
> OU's Guidelines for Purim
See also the Agudah's guidelines
And the guidelines sent around Lakewood in the name of BMG's rashei yeshiva:
(which I think is the most conservative of those I've seen)
Over in my backyard, R Ron Yitzchak Eisenman sent out guidelines for
Ahavas Israel of Passaic, but since RRYE is a known columnist, I thought
people might be curious what he told his shul. See below, although except
for capitalizing what was originally in BOLD, formatting was removed.
Tir'u baTov!
From: Ron Yitzchok Eisenman <ra... at ahavasisr....org>
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2021 12:06 PM
Subject: Purim 5781
<in red>
Purim 5781
Under no circumstances may anyone ever enter the Shul at any time without
a mask -- this is the rule every day -- and if you don't observe it,
you are trespassing on Shul property, which is akin to stealing.
This rule applies to Purim as well.
Please note masks must cover the mouth and nose
<end of red text>
The New PIP
You all remember PIP?
Purim in Pashut.
This year there is a new PIP.
Purim in Pandemic.
How do we celebrate the joyous day of Purim during the Pandemic?
The answer is, of course, by adhering to the Covid guidelines strictly
and uncompromisingly.
I recall very well last Purim.
No one was masking as back then; in fact, we were told not to mask.
No one social distanced as we never heard of the term.
Purim was celebrated together with close contact, sharing of food and
drink, and unbeknownst to us at the time; we were also transmitting a
deadly pathogen that would wreak havoc on the world, AND PARTICULARLY
This year Baruch Hashem, we know to be careful.
1. Parshas Zachor -- As I have mentioned in the past, the Shul follows
the Psak of the Chazon Ish and Rav Chaim Kanievsky that women are NOT
obligated to hear Parshas Zachor.
2. Therefore, please observe the socially distant setup of the women's
section. Preferably, unless you are a regular Shul goer, better not to
come. If you do go and see there are no seats, DO NOT enter the women's
section. You are putting people in danger, and you are doing a "Mitzvah
through an Aveira."
3. The above rule of not crowding the sections applies to the Men's
section as well.
4. Under no circumstances may anyone enter the Shul at any time without
a mask -- this is the rule every day -- and if you don't observe it,
you are trespassing on Shul property, which is akin to stealing. This
rule applies to Purim as well.
5. Please note masks must cover the mouth and nose
1. One may eat before hearing the Megillah
2. Therefore, women or men who will hear the Megillah later should eat
after 6:18 PM on Thursday
3. If you cannot get out to hear the Megillah, and no one can come to
you to read it. You may listen to a live Zoom broadcast of the Megillah
and read along with the Baal Koreh in your printed Megillah.
Purim Day
a. Mishloach Manos -- Minimal Mishloach Manos this year. You only need
to give two food items to one person to fulfill the Mitzvah.
b. When delivering the (hopefully one) Mishloach Manos, make sure to
wear a mask
c. It is highly recommended not to go driving around town delivering
food. This can G-d forbid lead to a "super-spreader" infecting many
d. Stay home in your family bubble.
e. The Mitzvah this year is "less (contact) is more (health)!"
f. Matanos L'Evyonim can be given to me either (cash or check) in Shul
beginning today.
g. If you want to drop off Matanos L'Evyonim at my home (that is allowed
and recommended), please come masked
h. I respectfully ask that no one feel they need to visit me and certainly
do not feel the need to bring me Mishloach Manos.
i. The Purim Seuda should consist of people only in your immediate bubble.
j. Preferably it should take place in the morning as Shabbos is coming!
k. Use the extra time to learn Torah, say Tehillim, and spend quality
with your children or yourself.
Wishing all a joyous Purim
Ron Yitzchok Eisenman
Rabbi, Congregation Ahavas Israel
Passaic, NJ
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