[Avodah] Honoring Parents

Prof. L. Levine llevine at stevens.edu
Tue Feb 9 07:30:04 PST 2021

Please see the article at

Honoring Parents, and a New Interpretation from Rav Elyashiv Zt"l - Vos Iz Neias<https://vosizneias.com/2021/02/09/honoring-parents-and-a-new-interpretation-from-rav-elyashiv-ztl/>
by Rabbi Yair Hoffman for 5tjt.com Last week, parshas Yisro, we leined the aseres hadibros. In them, of course, is the Mitzvah of Kivud Av v’Aim – honoring one’s parents. The Torah itself assures us that one who is careful with it will merit long life – something very apropos during this pandemic. The Talmud […]
>From this article

Speech – Children must speak softly to their parents, in a calm tone, and using the most honorable terminology and modes of address. (See Kiddushin 30a,b). On the other hand, if one speaks abusively to one’s parents he or she will earn a place in Gehenam, rachmana litzlan.

Action – The Mishna Brurah (301:4) indicates that, if possible, it is a Mitzvah to greet one’s parents every day. There are also numerous actions that are obvious that must be done regularly, for example, taking out the garbage for them regularly – without being asked; offering them drinks or food; requesting if there is anything they need in terms of shopping, mail, etc.

See the above URL for more.

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