[Avodah] Le'ilui Nishmas an Infant

Zvi Lampel zvilampel at gmail.com
Tue Dec 22 14:59:12 PST 2020

> Message: 1
> Date: Tue, 22 Dec 2020 13:39:22 -0500
> ZL: > But your original problem,
> >> I really don't know what le'ilui nishmas means when speaking of a
> nifteres
> >> who only lived 11 weeks,...
> >> will still remain unsolved, no?
> Yes. But we're talking about how the RBSO could be Just. I would prefer
> getting to a point of "I really don't know" than embracing theories
> that don't seem fair. It's theology. "I don't know" is a perfectly fine
> answer; we shouldn't insist we /can/ understand it all and settle for
> compromises....

True. But it is only a dilemma deserving an ''I don't know' response if you
accept the premises that the practice of saying kaddish in such a situation
is valid, somehow (although we don't know how) not in contradiction to the
sources you've brought (or in compliance with unknown sources that say
otherwise), and your feelings of fairness. Which premises I think you are
working with. Which, I think, brings us into the territory of the assumed
validity of minhagei Yisrael and the concept of bnei neviim heim.

Which I think you generally accept.


Zvi Lampel
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